26 gouache hacks to solve the common issues with gouache painting
Do you love gouache, but sometimes you feel it’s a bit tricky?
The class is available on my Art School
- Do you have trouble finding the correct consistency? Are your layers uneven, with trouble making nice colors, do you even get muddy colors?
- Are you upset because the paint is drying too fast on your palette? No matter what you do, you end with dry paint and you don’t know what to do with it?
- Are you reluctant to waste paint? Do you squeeze too much paint on your palette?
- When layering, are you lifting the color below and getting unexpected colors? You keep on trying but can’t handle it?
- Do you think that blending is difficult? That making gradients is a nightmare?
- Did you notice that colors are not drying the same value than wet? Dark colors tend to dry lighter, and light colors tend to dry darker
- Did you know that gouache colors may fade over time? Some colors may even fade in months!
- Have you ever damaged a painting by spilling water on it, or scratching it?
If you answered yes to one of those questions, then this class will certainly be helpful!
I give you 26 ideas to address those issues so you can have a smoother painting!
I will explain every tip with a short video, a written summary, and some examples of my gouache paintings when applicable. You can follow along in the order, or pick up the idea that suits your need.